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By: Estelle Gillingham
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Learn the process of aligning with your real nature and discover unlimited success and personal fulfillment
By: Matt Buonocore
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Awakening Book 2 - Spiritual Poems & Self Help Affirmations for the Spiritual Seeker
By: DeBorrah K. Ogans
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February 7, 2025
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Are you on the brink of saying 'I Do'? Are you ready for Intimacy, Commitment, The Marriage Bed? Get a copy of "How Do I Love Thee ". Find out if you're ready for Marriage.
By: Kevin Waldeman
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February 5, 2025
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Enticing facts and diagrams explain how this present world will soon end. Wisdom Shines came out of much study, and a special calling from God.
By: J. Finn
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February 1, 2025
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Feeling trapped in a world exploding w/chaos, stress & fear? Discover the secrets to self-mastery, emotional intelligence, stability, & accessing inner power w/this spiritual guide
By: Jill Hesson
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If you have found that life is putting too many strains on you, or that the load that you are left to carry is too heavy, mindfulness may be the answer.
By: Alaina DaRin
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This book is a collection of spiritual poetry, quotes, and affirmations that reflect the call of the soul. These messages of truth ignite our desire to find love, to heal from a...
By: Francis Jonah
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When things seem tough and unpredictable in the physical realm, you need to switch to the spirit realm for easy victory. Many people are stuck in the physical realm and...
By: Rohit Sahu
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Chakras have more than one dimension to them. One dimension is their physical existence, but they also have a spiritual dimension. Whenever a chakra is disrupted...
By: Julianna Raye
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Increasing happiness and fulfillment, including greater access to rest, energy, and positive emotion, understanding yourself better, and experiencing better connection with...
By: Melanie Beckler
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As you read this insightful book, you will be guided to open your heart, shift your perspective within, and feel, experience, see, and know that you are in the presence of angels.
By: David Knight
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Do you believe in Aliens? Are we alone in the Universe? David Knight --author of 8 'self-help/transformation' books-- has channeled spirit guides and entities for over 25 years.